A lot of questions need answers before we can even begin to attempt to answer your question:
- Do any gods exist?
- Do we know how many? How do we know?
- If any gods exist, do they care about what humans think and do?
- If any gods exist, and at least one of them cares about what humans think and do, how are we supposed to know who these gods are and what they like and don't like?
- If any gods exist, and at least one of them cares about what humans think and do, and somehow we have come to know who these gods are and what they like and don't like, do we even care about these gods? Why? Any reasons why we should worship them?
- If any gods exist, and at least one of them cares about what humans think and do, and somehow we have come to know who these gods are and what they like and don't like, and we even care about these gods and have found reasons to worship them, would these gods expect organized worship, aka would they have one or more peoples? How many peoples would that be? How do we know?
Each of us can answer these questions for themselves, no need to argue in here.
I already quit at #1. I no longer believe that any of the Greek gods actually exist as real deities.
So my opinion is that no gods exist at all, hence to me all discussions about who is or is not worshipping any specific god in the correct way is as useful as discussing the color of the glitter dust on magic unicorns' tails.
Of course, others have different opinions and go through great lengths to 'prove' Star Trek is the best sci-fi series (sorry wrong forum) their religious ways are best or even the only acceptable ones.